1 great inspirational birthstone guide

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    Long ago my mother got a ring from my father for their anniversary, with 12 little round gemstones. My father explained that she could wear this ring and change the gems. The gemstones represented the birthstones. You can only wear the birthstone of your birth month or another birthstone every month. Just where you feel comfortable.

    Confusing birthstones

    This little family story shows how confusing ‘birthstones’ are and how strict you have to take the birthstones in combination with the birth months. Besides that… it’s good to know a little about birthstones because they make awesome personal gifts. When you give a piece of jewelry with a gemstone that is the ladie’s birthstone, you will make a great impression. You took the trouble to find out and searched for a great piece of jewelry for her. That will impress her!

    But it is not easy to find the right birthstones, since there are more ‘birthstone lists’ available, and even a birthstone of the week list exists. Maybe it is time to explain more about birthstones, their origin, and their meaning.

    breast shield of Highpriest Aaron
    breast shield of Highpriest Aaron

    The tradition of the birthstone

    Birthstones are precious or semi-precious gemstones, but what they represent is a cause of disagreement. It can represent a month, a date, a color, a sign of the zodiac, a day in the week… And there are quite a few birthstone lists to choose from. The thing we know rather sure is that the popularity of wearing birthstones started between the 15th and the 16th centuries in Europe.

    The gemmologists think that the concept of the birthstone gems dates back to the Bible and the breastplate of Highpriest Aaron, the brother of Moses, the prophet, and the first High Priest of the Israelites. That breastplate had 12 gemstones that are described in the Bible. In the Bible is written that those twelve stones represent the 12 sons of Jacob, and each of them started a tribe in Israel.

    It is also stated that the sons were all born in a different month and therefore the 12 stones should represent each a different month. Then every stone has a different color, but in the translation from the local language at the time of the Bible to Hebrew, Greek, and Roman, the real ‘color names’ got a bit lost. And every scientist had their interpretation. The result was that the information about the precise gemstones and their place in the breastplate got lost.

    The lists

    Every continent uses its list, which is most confusing. In the United States, most of the time people and jewelers use the traditional or ancient birthstone list. This list originates in Poland, between the 16th and 18th centuries.

    In 1912 the National Association of Jewelers wanted an update from the old list and they produced a list with ‘modern birthstones’. This one is not all that different, but now they use all transparent gems (mostly quartzes). This change was only for commercial reasons.

    On Mother’s Day (also a US invention) the fathers and children buy a lot of birthstone pieces of jewelry for their wives and mothers. And a combination of the birthstone of the mother, with those of her children, was popular. But it is very difficult to combine for example pearl, with faceted quartzes and turquoise. That does not look very beautiful.

    The jewelers found this solution and it worked for them. But nowadays people pick the stone, they like and choose from both (or more) lists, and don’t bother. Sometimes according to their budget, or sometimes according to their taste. But get influenced… choose the birthstone you like!

    red garnet necklace
    red garnet necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (January birthstone)
    purple amethyst necklace statement
    purple amethyst necklace statement in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (February)

    The origin of the Western list

    In the first century AD, a historian named Josephus found it, anyway he thought that there was a connection between the twelve months of the year, the twelve signs of the zodiac, and the twelve stones in the breastplate of high-priest Aaron, as described in the Bible book of Exodus. The twelve stones in the high priest’s breastplate represented the twelve tribes of Israel.

    This revolutionary opinion of those days caused a lot of turmoil. Also, the interpretation of that particular passage in the Bible book was disputed by a lot of wise men. To make it short all the other wise men claimed that Josephus saw another breastplate of another high priest and of another temple.

    Josephus stayed firm and produced two different lists of the twelve stones, based on that breastplate. It is not very scientifically wise to produce two lists, but that is not up to me. The result was that St. Jerome stuck to the interpretation of Josephus and declared that the list based on the Foundation Stones of the New Jerusalem should be used by the Christians.

    The discussion did not end and in the eighth and the ninth century in religious writings or books, the writer associated a particular gemstone with an apostle. The name of that particular apostle should be inscribed in the concerning Foundation Stone. Then the custom or tradition started to wear one of the stones the Foundation Stone each month and honor the apostle.

    The tradition that people wear only their birthstone in a piece of jewelry is only a few centuries old. And the question stayed alive: which birthstone was connected with what month? In the 18th century, Mr. Kunz set a list that was used in Poland.

    aquamarine silver earrings
    aquamarine silver earrings in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (March birthstone)
    silver Herkimer diamond earrings
    silver Herkimer diamond earrings in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (April)

    The Western interpretation of the birthstone list

    Modern lists connecting certain birthstones with certain months are not based on the information about the breastplate of the high-priest Aaron anymore. That had nothing to do with not believing the Bible text, but more with different translations, tastes, and traditions. And it has all to do with commerce. The taste changes, so the list changes.

    Every month of the Gregorian calendar is larded with a gemstone and a poem. Even Tiffany & Co published these poems and birthstone lists in 1870.

    In 1912 the American National Association of Jewelers, gathered in Kansas, created a modern Birthstone list to end all the confusion and on this list every month had their own birthstone (or sometimes even 2 or 3 gemstones). This definite list was altered in 1952.

    The gemstone Alexandrite was added as the birthstone for June, the pink Tourmaline became the second-best in October, and the Citrine joined the topaz for November.

    Although a lot of people had comments about the choices in gemstones the Association made, this list is regarded as the definitive chart of the astrological birthstones. The jewelers of the Association decided to skip the lapis lazuli as the birthstone of December in favor of the Zircon. In 2002 December got an extra birthstone, the Tanzanite, in 2016 the spinel became the second birthstone for August.

    And this addition and changes will not be the end of it. Besides that, every country can make its own list, as the British National Association of Goldsmiths did in 1937.

    green gemstone necklace
    green emerald necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (May birthstone)
    pearl statement necklace
    pearl statement necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (June)

    And what about the East

    Don’t think that all the turmoil about lists and what birthstones on which list is just a ‘Western’ thing. Also in the East, they know everything about birthstone lists, although they are not based on the Bible, of course.

    There are differences. Their list is not based on the birth months but is associated with celestial bodies and astrology on the time of the birthday or time. And there are not 12 stones, but only 9.

    For instance, in Hinduism, there are 9 birthstones based on the Navagarha, which are the 9 planets that are worshipped by the Hindus. They believe that these planets help you to overcome any challenge or bad luck.

    The nine planets collectively are called Navagrahas. These 9 planets are worshipped by Hindus to overcome any hindrance, obstacle, or bad luck. In practice, this means that an astrological chart is made, based on your birth time and date. In this chart are the stones that you should wear to prevent having problems.

    red ruby necklace lightweight
    red ruby necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (July birthstone)
    green peridot necklace choker style
    green peridot necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (August)

    What do these lists look like?

    There are quite a few lists, but let us stick to the most common ones.

    The lists, based on the period in time:

    Month15th-20th centuryUSA in 1912US in 2019Britain in 2013
    JanuaryGarnetGarnet Garnet Garnet
    FebruaryAmethyst, Pearl HyacinthAmethyst Amethyst Amethyst
    MarchBloodstone, JasperBloodstone, AquamarineAquamarine, bloodstoneAquamarine, bloodstone
    AprilDiamond, SapphireDiamondDiamondDiamond, Rock crystal
    MayEmerald, AgateEmeraldEmeraldEmerald, Chrysoprase
    JuneCat’s eye, Turquoise, AgatePearl, MoonstonePearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite Pearl, Moonstone
    JuliTurquoise, Onyx, RubyRuby RubyRuby, Carnelian
    AugustSardonyx, Moonstone, Carnelian, TopazSardonyx, PeridotPeridot, SpinelPeridot, Sardonyx
    SeptemberChrysolite, SapphireSapphireSapphireSapphire, Lapis Lazuli
    OctoberOpal, AquamarineOpal, TourmalineOpal, TourmalineOpal
    November Topaz, PearlTopazTopaz, CitrineTopaz, Citrine
    DecemberBloodstone, RubyTurquoise, Lapis LazuliTurquoise, Zircon, TanzaniteTanzanite, Turquoise
    Sold blue sapphire necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (September birthstone)
    white opal earrings
    white opal earrings in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (Oktober)

    The list, based on the zodiac signs:

    You cannot only choose your birthstone according to the month of your birth but also according to your sign in the zodiac:

    AquariusJanuary 20 – February 18Garnet
    PiscesFebruary 19 – March 20Amethyst
    AriesMarch 21 – April 19Bloodstone
    TaurusApril 20 – May 20Sapphire
    GeminiMay 21 – June 20Agate
    CancerJune 21 – July 22Emerald
    LeoJuly 23 – August 22Onyx
    VirgoAugust 23 – September 22Carnelian
    LibraSeptember 23 – October 22Chrysolite or Peridot
    ScorpioOctober 23 – November 21Beryl
    SagitariusNovember 22 – December 21Topaz
    CapricornDecember 22 – January 19Ruby
    brown topaz necklace
    imperial; topaz necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (November birthstone)
    green turquoise necklace
    green turquoise necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (December)

    Let us end with all these lists, with the list of the week:

    This list is great since you can pick the day that you were born or the day of today. Another choice with the result that you can wear is the gemstone you fancy most, or the piece of jewelry you already have in your jewelry box, and is set with a certain gemstone. And whatever the stone/day you choose, you have a great story.

    Day of the weekGemstone
    MondayPearl, Chrystal
    TuesdayRuby, Emerald
    WednesdayAmethyst, Bloodstone
    ThursdaySapphire, Carnelian
    FridayEmerald, Cat’s Eye
    SaturdayTurquoise, Diamond
    SundayTopaz, Diamond

    In practice:

    This might look a bit confusing. Therefore I would like to give you an example.

    My birthday is on July 10, I was born on a Friday (just before the weekend, great), my zodiac sign is Cancer and the day I write this blog is a Sunday.

    When I go to my jewelry box or when I would like to purchase a new piece of jewelry (in my case, when I make a new piece of jewelry for myself) and I stay strict to the list, I can wear:

    A ruby, according to the modern birthstone list, but also carnelian, turquoise, and onyx. When I look at my birthday it might be an emerald or cat’s eye, my zodiac sign says to wear emerald and for today (Sunday) I can choose between topaz and diamond.

    May I recommend not to be strict and choose the gemstone that facies you, looks good on you, and matches your outfit?

    purple moonstone necklace
    purple moonstone necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (June birthstone)
    black statement necklace
    carnelian statement necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (July)

    Some alternate features

    There is another way to look at gemstones or birthstones in particular. And that is what healing or spiritual features a gemstone claims to have, and what ‘help’ you need at that moment.


    On the modern list, the garnet is the birthstone for January and it is believed that the garnet keeps you safe during travels. February’s birthstone is the amethyst, which should make the bearer courageous and keep her or him from drunkenness. Aquamarine is the birthstone of March and this gemstone is associated with ‘healing powers’. And April has the most popular birthstone ‘the diamond’, the symbol of love.


    The month of May is the month of the birthstone emerald, also a symbol of love and the pearl represents the birthstone of June, the symbol of purity. I have my birthday in July, so I am blessed with ruby, which should ward off evil. The peridot is the birthstone of August and is also called the ‘evening emerald’.


    I am a bit jealous of the ones who were born in September and got the sapphire as their birthstone. I love this gemstone and it should guard you against evil and poisoning. In October you got the opal as your birthstone and the opal represents faithfulness and confidence. The birthstone of November is the topaz, for love and affection. And the birthstone of December, the turquoise,  gives you luck and success.

    orange sardonyx necklace
    orange sardonyx necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (August birthstone)
    blue lapis lazuli necklace
    blue lapis lazuli necklace in the collection of FlorenceJewelshop (September)

    The anniversary birthstones

    If you thought you knew everything about birthstones… there is also a list of gemstones that commemorate your anniversary. very practical if you don’t know what to give with a certain anniversary to your wife!

    1st anniversaryGold jewelry or peridot
    2nd anniversaryGarnet
    3th anniversary Pearl or Jade
    4th anniversary Blue topaz or blue zircon
    5th anniversary Sapphire or pink tourmaline
    6th anniversary Amethyst or turquoise
    7th anniversary Onyx, yellow sapphire, or golden beryl
    8th anniversary Tourmaline or tanzanite
    9th anniversary Lapis lazuli, amethyst, or green spinel
    10th anniversary Diamond or blue sapphire
    11th anniversary Turquoise, citrine, or yellow zircon
    12th anniversary Jade or opal
    13th anniversary Citrine, moonstone, or hawk’s eye
    14th anniversary Opal, agate, or bloodstone
    15th anniversary Ruby, rhodolite garnet, or alexandrite
    16th anniversary Peridot or red spinel
    17th anniversary Carnelian or a watch
    18th anniversary Cat’s eye (chrysoberyl) or aquamarine
    19th anniversary Aquamarine or almandine garnet
    20th anniversary Emerald or yellow/golden diamond
    21th anniversary Lolite
    22nd anniversary Spinel
    23th anniversary Imperial topaz
    24th anniversary Tanzanite
    25th anniversary Tsavorite, or green garnet: Silver Jubilee
    30th anniversary Pearl Jubilee
    35th anniversary Emerald or jade
    40th anniversary Diamond Jubilee or Star Ruby
    45th anniversary Sapphire or cat’s eye
    50th anniversary Golden Jubilee or Imperial/Golden Topaz
    55th anniversary Emerald or alexandrite
    60th anniversary Diamond Jubilee or star ruby
    65th anniversary Blue spinel
    70th anniversary Sapphire Jubilee or smoky quartz
    75th anniversary Diamond Jubilee
    80th anniversary Ruby Jubilee

    The ones who paid attention, see that the diamond is given (or should be given) on more than one anniversary. The reason is that in most of the wedding rings today the ring of the bride is decorated with a diamond.

    The solution to this phenomenon is easy. Having more diamond pieces of jewelry is not a real punishment, is it? And, maybe a very Dutch solution, in the Netherlands there are jewelers that sell ‘grow diamonds’. This means that when you have a piece of diamond jewelry with one diamond, you can change that diamond for a bigger one!

    And that is not all! FlorenceJewelshop has a free e-book about birthstones, with information about the color, the healing capacities, where to find them, and more. It is free and you just have to let me know where I can send it to.

    Where can I send your free gift to?
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    Florence from FlorenceJewelshop

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